Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This work of art is dream of a lady who is on her spiritual journey, she has lost her ego and proceeding towards the creator .there is very little difference in awakening and dreaming. when she will awake in the highest she will know that reality is dream.
Medium: - acrylic on paper(CANSON )
Size: - 20/30 inch
price:- On request


I paint because I love to communicate through my symbol of forms & color. Thoughts which comes in my subconscious mind, I express through my colors. Human relationship, individual spiritual journey are the subjects which inspires me. When your heart is full of love and tenderness, mind body and soul all becomes colorful . these colors comes out to communicate through symbols which are not natural but very abstract and beautiful.
Above work is mIND'S eYE

when your eye is single your whole body will be full of light.

Title:-mIND'S eYE

Medium: - acrylic on paper

Size: - 20/30 inch

Price:-- On request